Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)

The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program provides an opportunity for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) families to receive comprehensive supportive services to enable the family to move toward economic independence and self-sufficiency.

The FSS Program is intended to enhance the standard of living of the participant and motivate clients to achieve suitable employment within the term of the five-year contract. Partnered with a system of supportive services, clients are more likely to be successful in their pursuit of self-sufficiency.

Vallejo Housing Authority currently has active participants in the FSS program. The Housing Authority operates a maximum program size of 50 participants for the city program.

To find out more select the links below:

FSS Objectives

FSS Incentives to Encourage Participation

FSS Selection Procedures

FSS Program Eligibility

FSS Enrollment Procedures

Contract of Participation

Individual Training and Services Plan (ITSP)

Denial of Participation in FSS

Measuring Program Success

Outreach Efforts

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