First Responder Billing


The City of Vallejo assesses fees for the delivery of pre-hospital emergency medical care, in accordance with the Municipal Code. Billing operations and the collection of fees are performed by a private billing company, Fire Billing Service (aka Medic Ambulance). All fees are in accordance with the most recent Fee Schedule.

Providing Insurance Information

If you did not provide your insurance information to Medic Ambulance at the time of treatment and you receive an invoice, please complete the insurance information, and return to:
City of Vallejo - Fire billing Serv
1001 Texas Street, Suite C
Fairfield, CA 94533-5723


Our full list of FAQ's are available here.

Q: Why have I received a First Responder Fee bill?

A: You have received this bill because the Vallejo Fire Department responded to a 9-1-1 call from you or someone representing you, and a medical assessment was performed.

Q: Do I need to pay this bill?

A: No. You will receive a copy of the invoice sent to your insurance company. In the few instances where your insurance was not collected by Medic Ambulance on scene, you will need to provide your insurance information. Please use the contact information provided on the invoice to submit your insurance information.

Q: I have Medical/Medicaid. Do I have to pay the First Responder Fee?

A: No. Only fees paid by insurance are collected by the City of Vallejo.

Q: Do I have to pay a portion of the bill if my insurance does not cover the entire balance?

A: No. The City uses a compassionate billing concept and accepts any payment as the full payment for the First Responder Fee obligation.

Q: Am I responsible for paying the First Responder Fees?

A: No. First Responder Fees are fully or partially covered by most medical insurance carriers. If necessary, you may need to provide your insurance information for billing.

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