Vallejo Unites

090519 Vallejo City Council Video Series from City of Vallejo on Vimeo.

"Vallejo Unites" is an exciting new initiative to implement City Council Goals and Priorities and address a range of community concerns that will bring our community together and unite us behind a more effective and engaged city government.

We have such strength in this community, including more than 200 active neighborhood watch groups and associations, depth and diversity in our arts organizations and non-profits, robust youth program opportunities, economic development investment and a growing higher education community, just to name a few of the things that bring this amazing community together.

While it is important to celebrate our successes, we must also face our challenges - together - as a community. Progress can only be made with a community that is united with the values and goals of the city that seeks to serve them.

"Vallejo Unites" is an ambitious initiative that reflects the goals of our Council, community and city staff. From progress on Mare Island, to efforts to address the needs of the homeless, to our balanced city budget, our community is making true progress on many fronts. "Vallejo Unites" will capture and sustain that progress, and we invite you to join us in this effort!

Learn more about Vallejo Unites, a positive place for our community. Stay engaged with us by sharing photos and stories on social media with #vallejounites on how you are uniting Vallejo. We benefit from your voice and participation. Together "Vallejo Unites."

Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Vallejo City Council has not yet conducted a goal-setting session for Fiscal Year 2020-21 and the Fiscal Year 2019-20 goals remain in place. While work in these areas continues, regular staff updates are on hold until further notice.

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