Public Works & Utility Permits

The City of Vallejo does not have a single "utility permit", instead requiring different permits for utility related work.

A Utility Permit is any work done by the State of California Public Utility Commission. These companies do work in City right-of-ways and are covered under public utility permits. This type of work generally includes the distribution and service systems for electrical power, City water and sewer line connections and repairs, telephone, natural gas, etc.

Contractors doing work for these companies are usually covered under the permit for the public utility company for which they are working. In some instances, a public utility company will allow a private entity to do a portion of the utility related work such as putting in a conduit for electrical power in the right-of-way. In these cases, the private entity is required to get "encroachment" and/or "excavation" permits from the City.

Encroachment Permit Guidelines
Encroachment Permit Application

Excavation Permit Guidelines
Excavation Permit Application

Grading Permit Guidelines
Grading Permit Application

Sidewalk Permit Guidelines
Sidewalk Permit Application

Notify Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1800-227-2600 at least 2 working days before you excavate.


Trees & Landscape

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